
A six-month emergency healthcare course that will equip you to save lives

The incredible value that Paramedics bring to the world.

There is no greater gift that you can give someone than another chance at life – and by enrolling in emergency healthcare and paramedical pathway courses you can learn the tools to save lives.

Have you ever passed by the scene of an accident with ambulances, firefighters, and of course those pesky tow-trucks circling the carnage? Have you thought to yourself, there is no way someone could survive that, and quietly said a prayer in hope for the best?

Maybe you have experienced a medical emergency with someone from your own family, had it not been for the quick-thinking, and swift actions of a Paramedic, the emergency could have easily become a tragedy.

One way or another most people know the incredible value of Paramedics, especially those that can perform advanced life support procedures in order to keep seriously injured people alive.

Each day, there are people that have decided to enroll in a paramedic course. There they are able to learn the emergency medical training necessary to respond to the gravest of situations and keep the injured alive and successfully transport them to a hospital where they can receive further treatment.

It’s possible to complete a Certificate IV in Health Care qualification in Just 6 Months (if you have the time)

In fact, if you really put your mind to it, in just 6 months* you can graduate with a HLT41115 – Certificate IV in Health Care (superseded by the HLT41120 – Certificate IV in Health Care) from the Australian Paramedical College. This qualification will give you the very same foundational skills that are required for all pre-hospital care first responders.

*Please note, that the 6 months completion time has been achieved in under extraordinary circumstances. This is not an indicator of average time frames to completion. The HLT41120 – Certificate IV in Health Care takes approximately 12-18 months and HLT51020 – Diploma of Emerg3ency Health Care approximately 18-24 months.

The Certificate IV in Health Care and the HLT51020 – Diploma of Emergency Health Care are essential pre-hospital emergency health care qualifications to launch into a career where life-saving emergency care is what you do. Imagine the incredible sense of satisfaction and personal fulfillment you can experience knowing that you were able to give someone the gift of life through your actions.

Enrolling in a nationally recognised pre-hospital emergency health care course is more than just beginning a new, exciting and rewarding career – it is to take the first step to becoming a life-saving hero. You are not only investing in your own life, by completing pathway training to becoming a paramedic, you are investing in the lives of thousands of individuals that will one day rely on your heroic efforts as an emergency healthcare worker.

Discover today the many opportunities and pathways to becoming a Paramedic (via our diploma and then applying to university), by calling the Australian Paramedical College on (07) 5520 2522. You can also speak to a course advisor to discuss which is the right course to suit your short and long-term career goals.

Or better still…

Do you want to build an amazing career in pre-hospital emergency health care?

Let’s make it happen together!

Reach out to us on (07 5520 2522) or tell us a little about yourself by completing a career pathway plan!

Study online, (we have an app too) and go to clinical workshops to get that hands-on experience.

What is your career journey?

To discover how you can become a fully qualified Ambulance Paramedic or Basic/Advanced Life Support Medic, complete a personalised paramedical career development plan.