
Student Success Stories

Hear our students’ honest reviews about their APC study experience and where it has led them.


Student Reviews

Listen to our students talk about their reasons for studying and inspiring insights into how far they’ve come in pursuing a career in healthcare. 


Michelle Giles

Diploma & Cert 4 | Receptionist to mines medic!

“APC stood out because it was self-paced and having that online ability along with phone consults with the trainers was just perfect!”


Sarah Sgroi

Diploma | Parent and Trainee Paramedic

“APC was definitely the best choice for me because I already had a toddler at home, so the only option I felt like I had was something that was completely flexible.”


Jason Borg

Diploma | St John Event Medic & loving it!

“By doing the Diploma first is actually an advantage. What some of the Bachelor students are learning in their second and third year, I’m already up to speed with, and I have to thank APC for that.”


Timothy Briggs

Diploma | Father of 3 heading for the mines

“You’ve always got the student success team there. They’re great. You can ring them up within business hours. They’ll always lead you in the right direction, and always understanding on your circumstances.”


Tyler Franklin

Diploma | From PT to double degree

“I always considered paramedicine, but just never thought I really had the right study side of things, and I didn’t feel like I was smart enough for it… I’ve been loving it!”


Renata May

Diploma | RN to prehospital healthcare

“I am a registered nurse and I worked in emergency [department] in the U.K. for quite a while […] My opinion — if you want to become a paramedic, start with Australian Paramedical College.”


Carissa Bellato

Teenage Diploma student wins Vocational Student of the Year!

With sights set on becoming a State Ambulance Paramedic, Carissa Bellato began studying the Diploma with APC while still completing her secondary schooling.

Due to her dedication and commitment to her future at such a young age, Carissa was nominated for and won the “Vocational Student of the Year” in the 2021 NSW Training Awards for the Riverina/Murray Region.

Carissa’s commitment, enthusiasm and how passionately she has applied herself to her studies and future career is an inspiration and we are thrilled and honoured to have been a part of her journey!

“If you’re interested in paramedicine, definitely APC is such a great place to study because you’re not locking in to a degree so you’re not looking into that three and four year degree and you’re still getting something out of it.”

Find out more about the Diploma


Luke Vanstan

Diploma | Construction Manager chases Paramedicine

“The diploma helped keep my passion alive in medicine to go on in the future to study paramedicine, and it also gave me the flexibility to continue my work to earn money and also study at the same.”


Simon Webber

Cert. IV | From Construction to Healthcare

“I think the end goal is what helps motivate me knowing that I can make a difference once I’ve got my qualifications and the opportunities that present themselves outside once you’re fully qualified.”


Montana Earle

Diploma | Full-time teacher studying to become a paramedic

“I always wanted to be a paramedic, but found as a full-time teacher I didn’t have the time to return to university, so that’s why I choose this path instead. […] The option to study while working is amazing!”


Benjamin Somerville

Diploma | Customs broker turned medic after 20 years!

“I think the course was really well set out, easy to follow. The online study was good with the theory then doing the workshops and taking it out into the real world, it really came together nicely so I’m certainly glad I took that step.”


Matthew Delicata

Diploma | Setbacks not standing in the way of paramedic dream

When Matthew injured his knee at work his plans of becoming a firefighter where shattered.

He still wanted to pursue a career in emergency services, but without an ATAR he felt his options were now extremely limited.

“I knew from a young age I never wanted to be behind a desk. Always doing a new thing every day. Never being bored. Helping people.”

Then Matt found APC and realised he could use the Diploma as a university pathway and become a paramedic. And he was thrilled with the course. 

“The workshop’s really good. Trainers are all great. […] I was a bit concerned studying online, at the start. But it’s been really good being able to do it at my own pace.”

“I made the right choice!”

Learn more about our University Pathways


Rhiannon Gallatly 

Certificate IV | In final semester of the Bachelor Degree

“I was looking into some careers paths and found the Cert. IV, and thought I’d give that a go. It’s led me to my bachelors [degree] and I’m nearly done and it’s been pretty incredible.”


Sam Bates 

Diploma | Pro Cricketer aiming for Uni

“I’ve currently just moved to Hobart to pursue a professional cricketing career, so it’s pretty full-on. That’s why this Diploma was perfect for me.”


Jamie Williams

Certificate IV | NRL Game Day Coordinator to NRL Medic

“I highly recommend studying with APC. The facilities are fantastic. The teachers and lectures are fantastic as well. They want to see you do well. They are here to help you. They’re very good, they know they’re  stuff.”


Sarah Robertson

Diploma | Vet Nursing to Paramedicine

“I’ve been a vet nurse for 12 years. I’m doing the Diploma in the hopes that I might be able to start training first aid and then eventually become a paramedic. There’s a lot of flexibility […] you can put as much time into as you can.


Tasha Scholes

Cert III Mum becomes PTO

Tasha had worked in the family business for 11 years while raising two kids, and wanted to start something for herself.

Patient Transport felt like a good fit so she enrolled in our Cert. III.

Then three days after completing the practical workshop Tasha landed a PTO job with our industry partners Medical Edge Australia!⁠

Now, months after starting her new career, Tasha says…⁠

“It’s going great, I’m loving it, so much so I’ve just started my diploma!”⁠As a Patient Transport Officer, Tasha is responsible for providing transport for patients to and from medical facilities in non-urgent circumstances with a high level of care.

It includes maintaining and operating patient transport vehicles and providing excellent customer service to patients.⁠

“I love being out on the road, meeting new people, attending different healthcare facilities, and that no two days are ever the same!”

Download the Cert III course overview


Lou Reason

Certificate III | Changing Careers after 30 years

“I found it to be a great experience. Also very life changing for me after having one career for so long.”


Kacey Middleton

Diploma | WA Surfer studying Diploma & Bachelor

“The help I get online and when I ring has been awesome; and the learning materials and modules have been really informative and great.”


Rob Erhard

Diploma | ESO Gaining Higher Quals

“My biggest fear was my age… Can I do it? Second guessing myself. And that was the biggest mistake I made, because once I got my teeth into it I’ve loved every minute of it!”


Vickie Watts

Diploma | Mining ESO wanting more knowledge

“They don’t make you feel like you’re a dummy. They make you feel very special. In fact… I didn’t even have a lot of computer skills being a mature aged student, […] but I could just call APC and they put you straight on the right track.”


Mark Reardon

Diploma | From fixing computers to patients

After more than 30 years in IT, Mark decided he wanted a complete career change, but was apprehensive.

“I’d had enough of staring at a monitor, dealing with someone on the other side of the planet, they were stressed and I was stressed, so I thought I need to do something different.”

He was always interested in first aid through lifesaving and surf lifesaving, and so he decided to pursue emergency healthcare.

“It’s rewarding. You get to see real results.”

Mark is 55 years old. Others at Mark’s age might think it’s too late to change careers, or that emergency services is only for the young. But Mark sees it differently.

“Age isn’t a barrier it’s an asset really. I think the life experience and the people skills experience of elder people would be an advantage in this industry.”

Download the Diploma Course Overview

Ashleigh Giles

Diploma | Full-time aged carer loves the flexibility

“I’m currently working full-time in aged care, so choosing the diploma as opposed to the bachelor for me was just the convenience of being able to study it at my own pace at the same time as continuing to do a job that i love.”

Justin Hayward

Diploma | Aspiring ESO loves the facilities

“I was actually really impressed when I came to my first workshop with the facilities here. I’ve gotten really hands-on with all the different equipment and just learning all the technical skills.”



Studying Cert. III while still at high school

“I thought I wanted to do something to further on my career and get into something I’m in interested in. I think just go for it. It’s a really good experience. It seems daunting to start with but it’s really good and very beneficial.”


Frances Fleming

Diploma | Nurse to First Responder

“I originally wanted to do patient transport, but the more I get into it, I think I can do this!”


Jess Vojtek

Diploma | Advanced Medic & Love what I do

Jess joined APC to study the Certificate IV in Health Care, but soon realised how much she loved health care and “levelled up” into the Diploma.

“I chose APC as they offered an online service and it allowed me to be more flexible with my timeframe working full time […] and I haven’t looked back since.”

As part of her Diploma, Jess did work placement with a private medical services company, Colbrow Medical, in which she proved herself and secured a job with the company after graduating.

Jess rates her study experience with APC very highly, despite fearing that she might not be smart enough to work in healthcare.

“I didn’t get the best ATAR. […] My initial fears were that I wasn’t smart enough to be working in this field. that I didn’t have the capabilities. APC helped me realise that I did.”

“I’m now working in the field, and I absolutely love what I do!”

Download the Diploma Course Overview


Nathan Seidel

Diploma | Working FIFO while studying

“I did attempt the Diploma previously [with another provider,] but found that course not to be as effective as the one offered at the Australian Paramedic College.”


Heather Woodberry

Diploma | Aiming for Dual Degree Nursing/Paramedicine

“I highly recommend doing this. If it’s just for around the house knowing to help your immediate family or you want to go into the mines, or Q.A.S [Queensland Ambulance Service] or private sector, then this is the place to start!”


Jarrod Neal

Diploma graduate now working all over the world

“I’m working as a rescue paramedic. I work in mine site’s all over the place. I love helping people. I’ve been offered work all over the world.”


Benjamin Gunn

Diploma | Gained Confidence for Dual Degree

“Now that I’m most of the way through it, I kinda feel that I’ll be able to do the bachelor’s [degree], and maybe do the dual degree and do nursing as well.”


Tamara Stoddart

Diploma | Career change after 30 years teaching

At 52 years of age, Tamara is loving her new career as an Emergency Services Technician and Patient Transport Officer for Paramedical Services Australia.

After 30 years of teaching, Tamara wanted a change and dreamed of working in emergency health care, and that’s when she came across Australian Paramedical College (APC).

“When I found I could study online, I just went for it.”

And she did, graduating in record time.

She is now well on her to becoming a paramedic, after being accepted into the Bachelor of Paramedicine program at University of Tasmania. 

“Lights and sirens Here I come!”

Find out more about the Diploma


Jessica Forbes

Diploma |Online study fits into full-time work

“I do want to be a paramedic in the Ambulance service. So I picked the diploma to get that stepping stone into it, just doing little steps at a time.”


Alan Leahy

Diploma | Father aiming to be a Paramedic

“There were some times when my motivation for study was down, especially having kids and work. The College must have seen that and were able to give me a call, […} and they were able to help me out and get me back on track.”

Ready to learn more?

Take a closer look at our courses and have a chat with one of our friendly Course Advisors to find out how APC can help you in your pathway to becoming a paramedic.