
Ambulance services on social media

How long have you been thinking about becoming a paramedic? Are you looking for more information? Maybe you’ve just started your research.

Use social media as your number one research tool!

Social media is a great platform to use when investigating the paramedical industry. Many of the leading organisations/companies in both the public and private sectors are avid users of numerous networks giving insights into their operations, cases, events, staff and much more. By setting up a stream containing each of these networks you will be able to keep track of your favourite organisations, assess whether this is the right career path for you or gain inspiration and motivation from those already working in the industry.

Here are our top four tips which will help you actively engage with different paramedic organisations on social media!

1. Identify all of the organisations/businesses you want to follow

This is a biggie. Without pages to follow, reading on is pointless. That’s why we’ve created a quick and easy page with all of the State Ambulance Service social media contacts for you.

2. Set up a Hootsuite account

Hootsuite is a free social media management tool that allows you to set up several streams side by side and easily interact with different pages on all social media platforms. Below is a screenshot of our account. We have streams set up for Twitter, Facebook & Instagram and follow all of the State Ambulance Services, private organisations and several other EMS pages. Twitter is a great platform to use. QAS for an example has a live stream on their account outlining all of their current jobs and outcomes.

On top of following different accounts you can also follow hashtags or words. Try following #paramedic or #studentparamedic. You’ll love what you come across!

3. Say hi!

It’s all well and good to creepily scroll through all of these streams, but why not engage with these pages?! We are always commenting, sharing and liking different posts to engage with likeminded people. This industry is very welcoming, so don’t be afraid!

4. Become an expert

By becoming involved with these different pages you will gain extra knowledge of the industry. This way, throughout your studies or when you go for a job you will be able to demonstrate a deeper knowledge than someone else.

Australian paramedical College Hootsuite Twitter Stream

How to become a paramedic

The Australian Paramedical College is the largest pre-hospital health care training provider in Australia. We are dedicated to providing training of the highest standard for all students who enrol in our training programs. APC offers  a HLT 41115 – Certificate IV in Health Care and a HLT 51015 – Diploma of Paramedical Science (Advanced Life Support). Our training programs provide a flexible and affordable pathway for those who wish to work in the private sector or choose to continue their education at university.

Download your free guide on How to become a paramedic here.

What is your career journey?

To discover how you can become a fully qualified Ambulance Paramedic or Basic/Advanced Life Support Medic, complete a personalised paramedical career development plan.