
Am I Smart Enough to Study Emergency Healthcare? [Students Speak]

APC students talk about their challenges studying emergency healthcare and how they’ve overcome fears of not being smart enough to achieve their career goal of becoming an emergency healthcare practitioner.

A popular concern students have when they first reach out to us is “Am I smart enough…?” When looking at the fast-paced and high-pressure job of emergency healthcare workers, it’s only natural to doubt yourself and your learning abilities.

  • Perhaps you didn’t finish high school?
  • Didn’t get the grades you were hoping for?
  • Or maybe you’ve taken a long break from learning?

Here at APC, we believe everyone is more than capable of becoming an Ambulance Paramedic, or any type of high-end health care role. We believe this because with the right training and supportive environment, anything is possible.  Extraordinary people accomplish great things not because of an education or family background, but because they have a success mindset and are determined to succeed.

Becoming a First Responder/Medic/Emergency Medical Technician, whatever you have your sights set on requires dedication and hard work. However, if you’re truly passionate about helping others, studying, for instance, the HLT51020 –  Diploma of Emergency Health Care and working in health will prove to be one of those most fulfilling choices you’ve ever made.

What our students say about being smart enough to study emergency healthcare


“I graduated Year 12 and then became a PT (personal trainer). From there, I decided that I wanted to do a bit more and help people in a different way. So I considered exploring pathways to become a paramedic, but just never thought I really had the right study side of things, and I guess didn’t feel like I was smart enough for it.”


“I’m dyslexic, I was worried whether I was going to be able to do it or not, whether I was going to get the correct support and everything like that from the trainers. But I’ve mentioned this to the trainers and everything; and they’re fully behind me. Yvette Before I joined up, I thought ‘Oh, am I too old for this? Am I smart enough?’ All those things’. I’ve got no medical background, family, don’t have anything. I’ve had procedures done on myself, but being on the other end of it’s a different story, so I really did throw myself in the deep end and I think that’s what I was most worried about, I made my mind up and went for it and I’m so glad I did.”


“This kind of gave me an option to try the Diploma of Emergency Health Care and actually give myself a chance to see whether I did cope with the side of the studies, and the terminology, and everything that comes into it. And I’ve been been loving it, and hopefully will go on to my Bachelor next year. I have been interested in emergency healthcare for years, and I was wondering whether I was capable of completing a course. I’ve never … it’s just so much stuff to learn and different parts, but once I started, it was really interesting and I loved it and I realised that hey, I can actually do this.”


“I needed help along the way whether it was calling up the college and the wonderful trainers that really helped me, to be honest. If anyone’s thinking about doing it definitely do it. Don’t second guess it.”

No matter how you feel about your own learning abilities, study techniques have changed dramatically. With a mix of online learning, supportive trainers and educators, student success teams, facebook student groups, face-to-face clinical workshops, practical work experience and a huge community of like-minded people ready to lend a hand – you can do this.

To see more student reviews & interviews visit our Student Speak Portal !

Find out more about Medical Edge Australia and the good work they do.

Choose from three pre-hospital emergency health care qualifications:

HLT51020 – Diploma of Emergency Health Care (formerly HLT51015 – Diploma of Paramedical Science)

HLT41120 – Certificate IV in Health Care (formerly HLT41115 – Certificate IV in Health Care)

HLT31120 – Certificate III in Non-emergency Patient Transport (formerly HLT31115 – Certificate III in Non-emergency Patient Transport)

Study online, (we have an app too) and attend clinical workshops/placement in most states.


What is your career journey?

To discover how you can become a fully qualified Ambulance Paramedic or Basic/Advanced Life Support Medic, complete a personalised paramedical career development plan.