
New! Audio Learner Guides – Students can now listen to their course on the go!

New! Audio Learner Guides

Students can now listen to an audio version of their course units.

With the popularity of podcasting well and truly exploding across the world, many have discovered the power and versatility of learning on the go with audio lectures, interviews, and content. 

At Australian Paramedical College, we love keeping up with popular trends that have the potential to improve our students’ learning experience, provide them greater flexibility in how and when they learn, and better support them to achieve their study goals.  

That’s why we’ve just released Audio Learner Guides, which are audio reproductions of our student learner guides. That means students can now listen to the entire learning material for several units of competency in their Certificate III, Certificate IV and Diploma programs. 

Check out a preview of APC’s new Audio Learner Guides in the player above. 

The Audio Learner Guides have been professionally narrated by a real voice-over artist, which achieves superior engagement and listenability over artificially generated voices. 

They are broken up into shorter, easily accessible sections with chapter-change signals so that students can easily follow along with the text-based learner guide, go directly to areas of interest, and continue listening from where they last left off. 

A significant benefit of audio learning in the field of Emergency Health Care is that listening to learning content reinforces the correct pronunciation of medical terminology which is a critical component of health education. 

Additionally, we all know that as individuals, we have different learning styles and ways we learn more effectively than others. Auditory or aural learners learn best when they are given the opportunity to hear information presented to them vocally, which makes Audio Learner Guides an important part of our plan to provide quality education to anyone who has a passion for health care. 

We hope to bring Audio Learner Guides to more units in the coming months and allow our students the flexibility and convenience of learning, however, wherever and whenever they want! 

Learn more about our flexible online learning today!

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About the Australian Paramedical College

The Australian Paramedical College is the largest pre-hospital health care training provider in Australia.

We offer three courses in the health scope:

Our nationally recognised paramedical training programs provide a flexible and affordable pathway to employment in the private sector, or as a stepping stone to university. We offer everyone the opportunity to become a Paramedic/Medic, regardless of their educational background. We believe you should still pursue your goals even if your school or college grades are not where they should be.

We live in an era where anything is possible when you put your mind to it. With advances in technology and learning methodologies, there is no reason why you can not follow your dreams and become a person who can save lives and contribute to the well-being of the community. Apply to study at the College.

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To discover how you can become a fully qualified Ambulance Paramedic or Basic/Advanced Life Support Medic, complete a personalised paramedical career development plan.