
AED: Automated External Defibrillation [Explained]

This micro lecture is about automated external defibrillation or AED. Automated external defibrillation is the process of providing a large energy dualege and a large shock to the heart, to the electrical conduit system of the heart, to try and reset that system.

In today’s micro-lecture, we’re going to talk about automated external defibrillation. Automated external defibrillation is the process of providing a large energy dualege and a large shock to the heart, to the electrical conduit system of the heart, to try and reset that system.

Now as you can see on this image, this image is taken directly from the Australian Resuscitation Council of Guidance. You can access this at any time. As you can see on this image, we’ve got a male patient laying here. And what you’re seeing on this image are the correct pad placements.

Now what happens is when you press that button, you charge the defib up. And you press that button, you’re sending a large voltage of energy through the pads in both directions. They refer to that as bi-phasing, two phases. So in other words, the type of energy is referred to as ‘bi-phasing,’ and that means both pads are giving off a discharge.

Now the good news is is that first aiders and non-trained members of the public can actually use the AED devices. And they’re scattered throughout many different places in their community including swimming pools, shopping centers. And the idea is is that the technology is so easy to use that you don’t need any training to use them.

However regardless of this, in [inaudible 00:01:26] Workshop One, you will be trained how to use them if you haven’t learnt already. And in workshop number two, you will actually be using manual defibrillation rather than automated defibrillation.

With automated defibrillation, the machine itself, the defibrillator itself, recognizes the shockable or non-shockable rhythms … charges up and delivers the energy once you press the button. So it really is as simple as putting the pads on effectively and pressing that button.

With manual defibrillation, you are responsible as the paramedic for recognizing the shockable rhythm, charging it up to the appropriate number, the appropriate deluge and delivering the shock.

Now let’s talk about some of things together. Number one, placing the pads … you have to make sure the pads are placed on this position because this has been shown to be the most effective place. First of all, you’ll notice there’s no hair. He’s hairless on the chest. So you need to make sure that if there is any hair on the chest, you’re removing the hair using a special razor.

Also notice how one of the pads is in this top right … just below the right clavicle and the other one is under his left arm. That’s really, really important you get that right.

What you have to remember is when you press that shock button, approximately 70% of the energy is not going to go where you need it to go. So you need to do everything possible to help that energy to where it needs to be. Of course from a safety viewpoint, you need to shouting, “Stand clear! Shock in!” Or something to those effects.

And that’s the basics of AED. There really is a lot more to it because when you’re doing your CPR, the CPR really does take a precedence over AED defibrillation. It will only shock two rhythms and that’s ventricular defibrillation and ventricular tachycardia which is another micro-lecture. And of course you have to be extremely safe.

So that really is an introduction to the process of AED. I hope you’ve enjoyed this micro-lecture. My name is Sam Willis and I look forward to talking to you again on another lecture.

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