
Clinical Workshops at Australian Paramedical College

APC students and clinical educators talk about workshop experiences

Vanessa (Student)
“I’m really excited about the week coming up, a little bit nervous about some elements, but I’m just ready to take on the challenge so yeah, bring it on.”

Kristy Heitmann (Clinical Educator)
“The main purpose of Workshop One is a big introduction to prehospital care. A lot of the students come to us without a background in it and even if they have a background in, it’s about going back to basics and really getting that foundation skill set for these guys to develop their careers. So really important from a basic life support support perspective and then they can gradually build on that when they come back later for Workshop Two for advanced life support.”

David (Student)
“I thought I might’ve been nervous for the week. What I’m looking forward to the most is having new study buddies that I can bounce things off and second to that all the practical which is hands on, which I don’t get in my current job.”

Jens Hojby (Clinical Educator)
“The biggest thrill for me, a trainer, is when I’m standing in front of the classes. I’m looking at all the students. I know exactly how they feel because I can actually feel it. So it’s actually very easy for me to relate with them as all.”

Kristy Heitmann (Clinical Educator)
“Managing airway using our airway adjuncts. Oropharyngeal airways, nasal pharyngeal airways, how to properly size them up, put them in, manage that airway right through to basic life support, CPR, trauma. They’re going to learn how to use all the stretches and stair chairs and all the gear that we use to manage a patient pre-hospital. So pelvic blinders, CT six traction splints, combi-carriers, vacuum splints, all the stuff that you probably see on TV. These guys are going to learn how to use those, those pieces of equipment.”

Jens Hojby (Clinical Educator)
“And this afternoon’s component was driving the ambulance in a non-emergency setting. You’ve actually go to be aware of your environment regarding the patient and obviously everybody around you.”

Vanessa (Student)
“We’ve been doing lots of practical work, which is a lot easier than sitting at the computer doing the book. So to match it all together is really helpful, gain an understanding of what’s happening of what we’re about to be faced with.”

Jens Hojby (Clinical Educator)
“Quite a few students that actually come here, maybe they’ve done a first aid course before. Maybe they actually haven’t. They might’ve thought they’re just coming here to do Workshop One. They’ll come and do a Workshop Two and then you see the same student, they’re indicating they want to go and do their Bachelor’s in Para-medicine.”

Kirrily (Student)
“And the trainers have been fantastic. Kristy and Jens have been so patient. They explained things really well, and they’re there to help you. It’s very comforting.”


APC Student Experience – Workshop Scenario Road Crash Trauma.

See our students take on a common emergency – a road trauma incident with casualties.



APC Student Experience – Workshop Scenario Road Crash Trauma

Watch our students manage a roadside crash incident.


Helpful links

HLT31115 – Certificate III in Non-emergency Patient Transport

HLT41115 – Certificate IV in Health Care

HLT51015 – Diploma of Paramedical Science

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Student workshop experiences

APC students tell us in their own words, how they feel about their upcoming clinical workshops on the Gold Coast; their reasons for selecting the course and where they would like to take their careers.

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