
Studying Paramedics? 8 Common Fears & How to Overcome Them

Starting study for the first time or returning to up skill yourself is very exciting but at the same time can be overwhelming and cause some self doubt. We want to show you that you’re not alone, there are many people in the same boat as you. No matter who you are or where you have come from we assure you that everything will be OK. Here are 8 fears that many of our students had before they commenced studying with us and how we suggest overcoming them!

1. I’m too old

You are never to old to learn, we are always learning. With age comes maturity and life experience which will no doubt help you on your path to becoming a paramedic. Go for what your dream is and what is in your heart to do. Don’t let anyone tell you you are too old for something new.

2. I don’t have enough money

This is a fear many people have, but investing in your future is a necessary evil. Lucky for you, the pathway we offer to becoming a paramedic should save you time and money. By completing the Certificate III, Certificate IV or Diploma with us you will spend less money, get work in the industry sooner and then be able continue onto University where you can gain credit points and time off your degree. To help finance your courses we offer payment plans which can be structured to suit your personal needs. This way, once you finish your course you will have complete ownership of your qualification and not have to worry about it in the future.

3. I have kids so I don’t have enough time

Whilst you might want to spend every waking moment with your mini-me, taking time out and focussing on your self development every now and again will be very rewarding. When taking on study we suggest the following things:

  • Schedule in your study time. Do this when your kids are sleeping, when you’re watching them at soccer training or when someone can look after them so you won’t be distracted. This way you are getting quality work done.
  • Find the perfect life/study balance.
  • Don’t be afraid ask for help.

Live the life that is important to you, and if becoming a paramedic is important to you, then go for it!

4. Am I smart enough?

Yes you are. Need we say more? There is no such thing as ‘not being smart enough.’ If you have a passion for a certain topic, like paramedics, you will be OK. We suggest you find a study method that suits you, don’t be afraid to ask for help, and believe in yourself. At the Australian Paramedical College we have a student support team that is dedicated to helping your through your course in whatever capacity you need. Go for it, we believe in you!

5. I am hopeless on a computer

Whilst our courses are delivered online, you do not need to be a computer wizard to start. As long as you have internet connection and a computer, laptop or tablet you are good to go! Our online platform is very easy to use, and if you need any help our student support team can walk you through it step-by-step.

6. I’m nervous about changing careers

Did you know that the average person changes career 5-7 times in their lifetime? After reading that statistic do you feel better about yourself?

It’s OK to be afraid. Fear Is a normal part of the career change process. If you need any support, or would like to have some questions answered to make sure you are making the right move, just give us a call and we will be more than happy to help you through this time in your life.

7. Will I get a job after studying?

This is a question on everyones lips, and unfortunately we don’t have the magic answer. We can’t foresee the future. However, we can give you some advice that we know works. Create your own future!

  • Don’t just go onto SEEK and send a boring resume through every time you see a job you like pop up. Don’t be a keyboard warrior…call the employers, make the first move and create a resume that will stand out from the rest.
  • Volunteer! Whilst working for free may seem annoying, this is a great way to progress your career. You are opening many doors for yourself to move into a paid position within this particular organisation, you will have more experience for your resume and you are guaranteed to make some invaluable industry contacts.

8. Will I earn enough money?

Whilst we can’t give you an exact figure, Payscale Australia estimates that the average salary for a Paramedic in a State Ambulance Service is AU$58,638 per year. As with most industries, this figure will increase with experience and additional qualifications. In the private sector, the average salary is typically higher than the public sector.

In saying this, if you have a passion for the industry, money is just an added bonus. “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

How to become a paramedic

The Australian Paramedical College is the largest pre-hospital health care training provider in Australia. We are dedicated to providing training of the highest standard for all students who enrol in our training programs. APC offers a Certificate III in Non-emergency Patient Transport, a Certificate IV in Health Careand a Diploma of Emergency Health Care. Our training programs provide a flexible and affordable pathways for those who wish to work in the private sector or choose to continue their education at university.

What is your career journey?

To discover how you can become a fully qualified Ambulance Paramedic or Basic/Advanced Life Support Medic, complete a personalised paramedical career development plan.