
Medical Edge Australia Launches Operations in WA

Published 3rd November, 2023

With exponential growth over the last few years, Medical Edge Australia (MEA) launched operations in Western Australia (WA) earlier this year and are now recruiting! As an Industry Partner of Australian Paramedical College (APC), students and graduates are encouraged to apply for their Perth Operations and we’re excited to share how interested applicants can stand out.

Who is MEA?

MEA was founded by Brodie White. A registered paramedic himself, Brodie perceived gaps in patient care and took it upon himself to fill them. They are now a leading provider of first aid and event medical care throughout Tasmania, Victoria, Queensland, New South Wales and Western Australia too.

MEA employs over 500 individuals across the nation, providing support to over 5,000 events annually. An employer of doctors, nurses, paramedics, patient transport officers, ambulance attendants, first responders and more, the growth opportunities within MEA are huge.

APC students are directly supported by MEA team during their Clinical Placement and if in Victoria, Clinical Workshop too, getting a feel for the culture and values of the company. Whilst this is beneficial for APC students as they find their feet in the healthcare industry and prepare for graduation, it’s also a huge benefit for MEA and their recruitment processes too.

MEA group photo. Image: MEA, 2023

Recruitment Advice from MEA’s Director, Brodie White

APC were fortunate enough to speak with Brodie to hear his advice on interviews and recruitment at MEA, sharing, “We‘re on this journey together. We get so many applicants that the whole interview they’ll just talk about their goals and what they want to achieve but they’ve never talked about what they want to see or how they want to help the organisation from one place to another, or what they’re going to bring to the organisation…It’s not just about me and it’s not just about them. It’s about how we can work together on this journey to deliver better patient care and better patient outcomes.”

Brodie further added, ‘We also want to see some personalities in these interviews…we might interview 30 people over a couple of day period and you’re allowed to be friendly and bubbly…we understand you’re nervous…but you’re allowed to be excited as this is potentially the start of your new career and in organisations like us and others around, it is an organisation where you can start at one level and work your way up to the next. You could start with us as an entry-level first aid officer and work with us until you’re a paramedic…you’re allowed to be excited and we want to see that come through in interviews.

How do APC students and graduates have an advantage?

MEA were APC’s first Industry Partner and the partnership has gone from strength to strength since. They currently offer APC students direct Clinical Placement and potential employment opportunities to those located in Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania and now Western Australia. For our students located in Victoria, APC currently operates their Clinical Workshops for HLT51020 – Diploma of Emergency Health Care, HLT41120 – Certificate IV in Health Care and HLT31120 – Certificate III in Non-Emergency Patient Transport courses. 

Brodie has mentioned on multiple occasions that “Clinical Placement is essentially one long interview“, meaning that the way our students interact with staff and patients leaves an impression on their employability at the end of their placement. MEA’s NSW Operations Manager, Steve McDowell also told APC in a recent interview, “It (Clinical Placement) gives us assistance on a shift where we can have an extra set of hands and teach them the ropes, but also gives us a potential recruitment opportunity where I certainly get feedback from my staff on students who stand out as impressive. I’ve reached out to a number of them for an interview based on the feedback I’ve had from my on-road staff.”

As of late 2023, MEA are APC’s largest Clinical Placement provider, having hosted over 200 students for their hours – an essential aspect of a Diploma and Cert IV students studies. A number of these students have since gone on to become employees of MEA. 

Image: MEA 2023.

Apply for MEA’s Western Australia Operations

If you’re an APC student or graduate and want to join MEA, check out the link below to register your interest:

Perth Community Transport EOI (office.com) 

Alternatively, get in touch with their recruitment team via [email protected] to register your interest for any upcoming positions they may have. 

Interested in the full APC experience? 

If you’re not yet qualified but want to make the most out of APC and MEA’s Industry Partnership, make sure to check out of any of APC’s nationally recognised courses, which could later lead to employment with MEA:

We’re excited to get you on board and assist you in pursuing your dream career!

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