
Mental Health First-aid For Students

Mental Health First Aid for Students

Accredited Mental Health First Aider on staff.

The Australian Paramedical College has an accredited Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) team member on staff who is able to assist our student community.

Our Mental Health First Aider is a part of our Student Support team and assists our students who are stressed and overwhelmed or may be struggling with their mental health, even if it is not related directly to their studies.

APC takes a holistic approach to providing student support. Not only are we dedicated to the success of our students in the pre-hospital industry, but also their overall health and wellbeing.

As a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) we acknowledge that we play a crucial role in our students lives. Our goal is for our students to thrive in their paramedical and emergency health careers, and in order to do that, we must support their overall study experience.

Mental Illness is common – one in five Australians will experience mental illness in their life. After a tumultuous 2020, Mental Health concerns are on the rise across Australia. In particular, those who are studying whether it’s in high school, VET sector or University, may experience an increased chance of mental illness, due to the added stressors associated with studying – we take this very seriously.
If you are a current student at APC and are struggling right now, please call us on 07 5520 2522 and ask to speak with our Mental Health First Aid Officer.

If you, or someone you know, is in crisis right now please call Lifeline on 13 11 14.

Study pre-hospital emergency health care qualifications online at APC; with the aid of clinical workshops as well as online and phone support from trainers and educators. Enjoy unlimited access to a student success team who are always ready to help and assist. Although paramedical courses can be studied online; APC fosters a vibrant and passionate community which encourages students to engage and help one another.

What is your career journey?

To discover how you can become a fully qualified Ambulance Paramedic or Basic/Advanced Life Support Medic, complete a personalised paramedical career development plan.