
NSW Paramedics receive mental health and wellbeing funding

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian and NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard on Wednesday announced a record $48 million investment into the mental health and wellbeing of NSW paramedics.

This package will ensure paramedics receive similar benefits to their police counterparts, giving them access to injury prevention health services as well as income protection for at least five years. $20 million over two and a half years and then $5 million per year will be dedicated to a much  needed wellbeing program which will include psychological, physiotherapy, and other health services.

NSW Ambulance Service Commissioner Dominic Morgan said these finds will give paramedics access to specialised health services to prevent injuries. “We know that paramedics face a unique set of challenges in their day-to-day work which places them at higher risk of suffering physical injury or mental health setbacks,” he said.

“Which is why as an organisation we remain so keenly focused on supporting our staff when they need it most.”

Moree Ambulance Station manager Thomas Claringbold spoke to Moree Champion, saying it’s great news. “I think that will make a big difference to the service we can provide to the community,” he said. More investment into lifting equipment means we can do more for our patients as well as reduce injuries to ourselves. Reduced injuries to paramedics means better care for the community.”

Mr Claringbold said this investment will ensure NSW paramedics are better equipped for situations. “Paramedics suffer one of the highest rates of injury in our occupation. Having happy, healthy staff means we can do more for patients.”

The main role of NSW Paramedics is to respond to Triple Zero (000) calls and provide life saving medical treatment. This investment will give them the support they need to keep providing state of the art services to patients state wide.

Become a State Ambulance Paramedic

If working as a State Ambulance Paramedic is your goal, then a Degree is required. Whilst we don’t offer this qualification, we do provide an alternative pathway to a university degree for those who did not have the opportunity to do so. Completing one of our courses and gaining credit point towards your degree will ensure you begin working in the industry sooner and could even save you time and money!

*Thankyou to the Moree Champion for the information provided in this article

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