
Paramedic News from New York Winter Storms

In this article you will learn about:

  • The diverse and sometimes bizarre emergencies a paramedic responds to
  • The crucial role of paramedics during extreme weather
  • The often heroic efforts of our paramedics

While much of Australia is enduring one of the hottest summers on record, many people in North-east America are in the middle of a Polar Vortex.

Sub-zero temperatures, driving snow and a massive build up of ice have stretched the city’s emergency services to the limit.

This has kept many emergency workers busy, with paramedic officers across the US reporting some interesting tales.

It is during situations, like the extremely cold weather that is currently whipping through the US, that paramedic officers and other emergency professionals shine. A paramedic thrives in adversity and in so many cases they become heroes because of their courageous actions. Check out these events that kept our paramedic officers busy in the storm.

Paramedic Helps Girl Free Stuck Tongue from Flagpole

It doesn’t get more bizarre than this. As if it was a scene right out of a movie, a 12 year-old girl decided to lick a flagpole in a stunt. Immediately her tongue got stuck and had to wait 15 minutes in considerable pain for a paramedic to arrive on the scene and free her.

It is expected to take up to six months for the swelling to go down. Next time your curiosity tempts you, remember to keep your tongue to yourself. Our paramedic heroes have more noble emergencies to respond to.

Paramedic helps Woman Give Birth at Home

Expectant mother Maria Grove was given the shock of her life when her baby decided that she wanted to see this historic Polar Vortex. Midwives and a paramedic were unable to get to her home once they found out Maria was in labor. Once the water broke and things swing into action, the paramedic and midwife gave critical support and counseling over the phone.  For Maria, a “snow baby” sure has new meaning after successfully delivering her first child by herself in a blizzard.

Paramedic Treats Escaped Prisoner

A prisoner who escaped from a minimum-security facility in Kentucky was treated by a paramedic after turning himself in. The frigid weather was just too much for this fugitive who walked into a motel and asked the clerk to call the police to come and get him.

Forty-two year old Robert Vick was on the run outside Lexington when the Arctic air threatened his life. He was dressed in khaki prison pants and a light jacket, almost useless in the -20 degree weather. After a paramedic checked him out he was returned to the Blackburn Correctional Complex.

This was a good lesson for all future prison escapees – don’t plan your breakout during a Polar Vortex.

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