
QAS Low Acuity Response Unit continues to grow

Low Acuity Response

The Queensland Ambulance Service has just announced the addition of a low acuity ambulance program in Ipswich following the successful implementation of programs in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Cairns and Townsville

What is a low acuity response unit (LARU)?

These low acuity programs have been put in place to treat non-urgent cases and optimise the use of ambulance resources to best serve each local community. In Ipswich, two new generation LARU vehicles, will respond to cases where patients may not need to go to hospital. Paramedics are therefore able to refer patients for treatment by GPs or community health centres, advise on appropriate self care options or if necessary take them to an emergency department.

What conditions are treated?

The types of conditions of lower acuity patients are varied, and include chronic illnesses needing medical assessment, minor medical problems, superficial burns, lacerations, and minor musculoskeletal and fall-related injuries.

Why is a low acuity program needed?

As more and more people call 000 for non-life threatening injuries, the QAS needed to find a way to free up Paramedics and Ambulances for cases that need critical care.  The Low Acuity Response Unit will free up these services for people who need it most.

Become a registered State Ambulance Paramedic

If working as a State Ambulance Paramedic is your goal, then a university degree is required. Whilst APC don’t offer the degree, we do provide an alternative pathway to a university degree for those who did not have the opportunity to do so. Completing one of our courses and gaining credit point towards your degree will ensure you begin working in the industry sooner and could even save you time and money!


What is your career journey?

To discover how you can become a fully qualified Ambulance Paramedic or Basic/Advanced Life Support Medic, complete a personalised paramedical career development plan.