
Queensland paramedics go high-tech with iPADS

Did you know there are around 3700 ambulance paramedics in Queensland?

There’s a common thread running through the medical profession that the internet is one of the best things to ever happen in terms of helping diagnose and even treat patients.

Given the vast expanses of land, Australian paramedics face insurmountable challenges every day. Think back to the frustration we all feel when we can’t connect to the internet, can’t send an email or heaven forbid; we can’t access facebook!

Imagine how paramedics feel when they attend life-threatening situations and they need to access vital information that could mean the difference between life and death. Paramedics rely on their training and instincts to keep patients alive and out of danger.

Always looking for new ways to improve patient care, the Queensland government has vowed to equip paramedics with the latest Apple iPAD by the end of the year. Paramedics aren’t the only personnel to receive the high-tech tablets, as managers and supervisors are also set to be gifted with the iPAD.

In this day and age you would have thought paramedics would already be equipped with the latest technology to make their jobs easier and more effective. We all know the life of an ambulance paramedic is never stationary. The notion of paramedics working from a traditional office is one we never entertain. So it makes sense for active paramedics in Queensland to have a mobile office.

The introduction of the Apple iPAD to the paramedics toolkit has created the virtual office for fast-paced officers who traverse the state and require immediate access to vital information at all times.

From what the Australian Paramedical College has been told, the Queensland Ambulance Service has been closely following the Queensland Police Service as they have also rolled out iPADs across its network with great success.

Technology can be fickle at times, testing which device is more suitable has been one of the core focuses for the QAS. Queensland paramedics rely on the latest technology to save lives; technology that has been tested and put through its paces before being allowed on everyday operations. The same rules apply when digital technology tools are introduced.

Before deciding on the iPAD, the popular Android platform (which is a Google product), was also tested, however, Apple won the battle of the tablets on this occasion.

Queensland Ambulance Service said about 100 of the lightweight and fast wireless iPAD Airs will be handed out to IT staff as well as regular paramedic officers. It’s hoped the initial smaller roll out of the iPAD, will help identify any issues that can be fixed before the other 3600 will be introduced.

Paramedics and QAS staff can expect a wide range of software and ‘Cloud’ services to be available on their shiny new iPADS. It’s thought the QAS clinical practice manual and online learning modules will be available.

One of the big pluses for the industry is the ability for QAS to have a stable online training delivery platform which will allow the state’s ambulance officers up to date with internal policy developments.

Like most other industries, learning and personal development rarely ceases. Paramedics especially are required to be prepared for anything and are required to implement new processes and procedures whether it be pharmacology updates or other essential procedures.

Becoming a paramedic is certainly one of the most sought after jobs in Australia. Paramedics must rely on the latest technical equipment to do their job efficiently at all times.

The iPAD will allow even more Queensland paramedics to be connected 24 hours a day, because accidents and emergency incident response times are reliant on digital communication systems that connect many people simultaneously.

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