
7 Tips to Reduce Distractions (for students)

Technology is one of our most valuable assets, yet it can also be an enemy to our productivity. Try clearing your workspace from distractions such as emails and social media, until you have completed your task. Below are a few steps to declutter and clear your workspace for the best productivity:

1. Make a Schedule or To-Do List

Organisation is key to keeping your productivity up and distractions low. Keeping a to-do list or making a schedule means all your tasks, dates, and notes are kept in one area. You are less likely to miss deadlines and tasks this way, and there are plenty of digital and paper-based planners available to make life even easier.

2. Turn Off Alerts

That ‘Ding’ from your phone, computer, or tablet is a student’s enemy. Constant notifications take us away from work and distract our brains from the current task at hand. Put your devices on ‘Do not disturb’ or ‘Silent’ for a set time so more work can get done. NOTE: Use flight mode on devices if you cannot find a way to turn off notifications.

3. Break Down Your Work into Smaller Tasks

When Setting Goals, a suggestion is to break them up into smaller bits that are easier to process and complete. The same goes for defeating procrastination. Break a project or task into smaller pieces. You become more motivated and can refresh yourself with breaks between work. Try working for 40-50 minutes and then taking a 10 minute break. It really helps increase productivity.

4. Use Headphones

A loud, noisy, chaotic environment is not a great place to study. But using noise-cancelling headphones or listening to music helps with concentration. Studies have shown music with lyrics can still be distracting so try listening to classical or instrumental music.

5. Find the Right Place to Do Work

A good workspace is vital with little to no background noise. How quiet and relaxing your space is, is a personal preference and so we encourage students to get to know their best working atmosphere and get to studying.

6. Clear Your Desk

Like finding your best workspace, clearing a desk of clutter keeps motivation high and work done. Plus a clean deaks makes you focus on the essentials and will help reduce anxiety.

7. Reward Yourself

As we mentioned above, taking breaks are good for refreshing the brain and keeping you on track. During your study, either after completing a task or while on break, reward yourself. These could be using your phone, watching a movie or taking a nap.

Keep going, you are getting there and soon you will have completed your main goal. Just make sure your devices are silent.

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