
Vark Kinesthetic Learning Style [Student Tips]

Student Tips – Kinesthetic Learning

Did you know that in 1987 New Zealand, teacher Neil Fleming developed the VARK model to help his students understand more about their individual learning styles? When students are unsure of their learning style, they can often become frustrated and lose motivation. The VARK Model is a great tool to help gauge a students learning style and helps them retain more information for their studies.

V.A.R.K. Stands for: Visual, Aural, Reading/Writing and Kinesthetic


If you are a Kinesthetic Learner then you are the type of learner who prefers their own experiences, as well as documentaries, and autobiographies. They prefer fact over fiction and take in information with the hands-on approach.
People with kinesthetic preference like to use video documentaries, written and visual biographies, applications towards theories, demonstrations, experiences, problem-solving and being part of a team where ideas and relevant data is being presented. They are fact-based which means their type of study can delve into other areas of the VARK model but because of this drive for facts, evidence and logic, they become part of a Kinesthetic Learner.
When studying as a Kinesthetic Learner use the physical and online date to find and retain the relevant information you need for your studies. Talk to others, create your own practical’s, experiments and data to help your knowledge grow.

Click Here To Learn About – VISUAL- THE VARK MODEL

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