
Study Motivation: How To Stay Motivated While Studying

Becoming a medic/paramedic is a noble thing. Studying can be tough though for a lot of people. Regular exams and in-depth assignments amongst work and busy life can really take a toll on a student’s motivation levels.

At Australian Paramedical College, we provide pathways to becoming a paramedic and equip students with in-demand industry skills required to succeed on-road or in the field. We’re always interested to hear what our students have to say and were thrilled to learn of this recent feedback from one of our students on the topic of motivation and it is our hope it may inspire you.

Here’s what our students have to say about their experience at the Australian Paramedical College.

I just have to say !!

After a few months of starting my diploma I lost all motivation – ready to give up and move on with my life as some pretty devastating things had taken place.

Butttttttt… I remembered what being a first responder means to me. I remembered why I started this course in the first place and thinking about how good it’s going to be when I’m helping people who can’t help themselves.

I was pretty far behind on my studies but I’m happy to say I have gained all motivation back and am now 2 months ahead of where I should be!! For me personally that’s the best I’ve done (even in highschool 😂😂)

So if you ever feel like you can’t do this, just remember why you started in the first place.

It really does help !

I believe in you all!!

Our Top Tips for Staying Motivated while Studying:

If you find yourself struggling with motivation and study then read on and check out our Students Speak Study Tips playlist on youtube!

1.   Break it down

The sheer volume of learning material you need to get through can become overwhelming at times, especially if you’re trying to cram it all in a few nights before the due date of that vital assessment. Break down your study material into little bits, and focus on them daily. Take regular breaks and pace yourself.

You’ll be making progress and retaining information well. Not only that, you’ll perform well too!

2.   Study groups

Paramedics and emergency response workers collaborate to save lives, so it make sense you’ll seek out others who think like you and share the same passions for life. Form or join a study group with other students. It’s a great way to divide and conquer tough topics and get insight into alternative views. It’ll also increase responsibility because the group will constantly be a reminder that work needs to be done by a certain time and to a certain degree! It’s also a great way to hone your collaboration and leadership skills, because you’ll be needing them out in the field.

3. Take practice tests

Get in touch with your trainers and tutors about quizzes and scenario’s that you can practice on your own. This will help boost your confidence and performance, plus – getting feedback on your performance will help you become more confident in your abilities.

4.   Visual guides

Visual learning can be more beneficial that just reading a text book. We live a media-rich, technology age where learning can take on many shapes and forms, such as video, webinars, Zoom calls, podcasts, live lectures and so much more. Sticking up diagrams of the human anatomy, or associating human organs with rooms (Memory Palace learning) can help you retain important information. Additionally, it’s a creative way to learn and you’ll love it! One of the best ways to discover how to become a better learner is to read about your brain, how it works, how to give it a work-out by being creative in how you learn. Neuroplasticity is the activity of building neurons in the brain through practised exercises of learning and adopting a creative thinking mindset.

5.   Additional learning to boost your knowledge

Health care training is all about learning theory and practicing what you’ve learned. Be vigilant about attending after-hour or weekend workshops, meet up with other students and share notes and tips on how to learn, attend online webinars, trainer question time or review classes to help bolster your performance.

6.  Remember why you started studying in the first place

Always remind yourself about why you wanted to be a paramedic. Remind yourself about the difference you will make and how personally rewarding this industry will be.

With a career that feeds your soul and equips you with brilliant skills, motivation is something you should never be short of. Imagine yourself graduating with a nationally recognised certificate or diploma validating all of your hard work – it’s the start of a glorious career!

With these great tips to keep you motivated while studying, it’s time to head back to your books and chase your dreams!

Considering studying a new course in pre-hospital emergency health care?


Study pre-hospital emergency health care qualifications online with the aid of clinical workshops as well as online and phone support from trainers and educators. Enjoy the unlimited access to a student success team who are always ready to help and assist. Although these courses can be studied online; APC fosters a vibrant and passionate community that encourages students to engage and help one another.

Choose from three prehospital emergency health care qualifications.

HLT51020 – Diploma of Emergency Health Care

HLT41120 – Certificate IV in Health Care

HLT31120 – Certificate III in Non-emergency Patient Transport

Study online, (we have an app too) and attend clinical workshops in most states.

What is your career journey?

To discover how you can become a fully qualified Ambulance Paramedic or Basic/Advanced Life Support Medic, complete a personalised paramedical career development plan.