
The Different Paramedic Vehicles

In this post you will learn:

  • The many kinds of Land, Sea and Air Paramedic Vehicles used
  • The science behind the design of Paramedic Vehicles
  • How you can become skilled at operating multiple Paramedic Vehicles

When most people think of becoming a paramedic they imagine riding in the back of an ambulance, the paramedic vehicles commonly used by hospitals. Whilst this is true for many paramedics, paramedic vehicles come in all shapes and sizes.

This is what makes becoming a paramedic so exciting to so many people. They are able to utilise their skills and passion for providing life-saving medical treatment, all while operating such a wide range of paramedic vehicles.

Land, Air and Sea Paramedic Vehicles

Just think about it. Imagine if you loved the snow and you were given a snow mobile or a snowboard as your paramedic vehicle to cruise around on. How cool would that be?

One of the more highly skilled paramedic jobs is to become a search and rescue paramedic. Helicopters are the paramedic vehicles of choice used by these professionals. Then there is the flying doctor service and their small aircraft. There is probably no greater reward for people who have a thirst for adventure and they get the opportunity to fly in a plane or helicopter.

There are motorcycle paramedic vehicles, mountain bike and 4X4 paramedic vehicles. There are also watercraft paramedic vehicles, used by surf clubs and other boating and marine organisations. These include jet-skis, speedboats and inflatable rescue craft. There is no reason why you cannot merge your love of the water with your passion for helping people in emergency situations.

Innovative Paramedic Vehicles

In fact, this applies to so many other aspects of life. The growing need for paramedics in Australia has enabled the paramedic industry to be innovative. At sporting events and other large events paramedics are using a variety of paramedic vehicles. This includes modified golf carts that can quickly and easily respond to an injured athlete and stretcher them off the field if need be.

Military Paramedic Vehicles

The military uses all kinds of advanced paramedic vehicles to respond to the injured in extremely dangerous situations. Imagine flying in a jet, or in the back of an armoured paramedic tank. In reality the possibilities are endless when it comes to the different paramedic vehicles that can be designed.

The Science Behind the Design of Paramedic Vehicles

It is clearly most beneficial when paramedic vehicles can be specifically designed to respond to emergencies in the most effective way. This means a number of factors need to be considered in respect to accessibility, function and performance. These include:

  • Can the paramedic vehicles easily access those in emergency?
  • How can the paramedic vehicles be outfitted to care for the patient?
  • Are the paramedic vehicles sufficiently functional for a paramedic to use?
  • Do security or protective elements need to be designed into the paramedic vehicles?

There is a careful science behind the many paramedic vehicles that are in use today. It is after all, a crucial tool that all paramedics must be able to use to respond efficiently to the scene of an accident or emergency.

The life of a paramedic is quite often stressful and at times confronting. However, the thrill and enjoyment of operating a variety of paramedic vehicles can help to offset the challenging aspects of this noble career.

To find out more about Ambulance Vehicles and when/where they are used, read this post which explains it further.

If you are experienced at operating any of the vehicles mentioned above and have a strong desire to help people, then why not consider a career in emergency healthcare? Call the Australian Paramedical College at 1300 377 741 and speak to a career advisor about the many courses we have available.

What is your career journey?

To discover how you can become a fully qualified Ambulance Paramedic or Basic/Advanced Life Support Medic, complete a personalised paramedical career development plan.