
Job Application Tips For Paramedical Students

In this video, registered Paramedic and employer of 200 staff, Brodie White from Medical Edge Australia, tells us why when applying for a job in emergency health care, doing your research and letting your personality shine could help you stand out from other job applicants – even those more qualified than you. Emergency health care is about communication and collaboration, as well as saving lives. Your current life experiences may be more valuable than you think.

Your first medic job interview. Brodie’s tips to make a great first impression;

  • Do your research and find out as much about the company and their activities before applying.
  • Get to know the organisation you are applying to.
  • Look at the company values and goals and what they are trying to achieve.
  • Take an active interest to find out as much as you can.
  • Think of ways to improve what this company does; and how you can play a role in implementing the improvements.
  • Show the employer you have drive, personality, passion and enthusiasm.
  • Let your true personality shine through.

Basically, find out as much about the company and their activities before applying. Things like what they do, where they operate, what their operational divisions are. You have to know the organisation you are applying to. If you do your research beforehand, it will show you are invested and excited to work for the company.

Discover their social network.

Look at their Facebook, LinkedIn, know who the key people are etc. Look at the company values and goals and what they are trying to achieve. This shows the employer that you actually care and are not just in it for the money.

  • See if they are well-liked, or have good (or not so good) reviews.
  • Do they post new content frequently? And what does the content tell you about the type of business they operate?
  • Does this company create good content that people want to comment on? Do they showcase their company values well?
  • Go to their YouTube channel and watch their video’s. Are the video’s any good? How old are they? What do these video’s tell you about the company you’re applying to?

All of this ‘evidence’ is you just playing detective and gathering as many facts as you can. This will make you feel confident to speak over the phone/face-to-face interview about how the company operates. Being prepared to answer and ask a few questions of your own will put you in a position to make a great impression.

Do qualifications make a difference?

In this industry, you are required to have certain minimum qualifications depending on your career aspirations, but qualifications aren’t everything these days. It’s more about how you can fit into the culture of the business and how your drive and passion to do good work shows in your approach to life. Employers really want applicants to take an interest in the company and find out how they can help improve it. What can they bring to the organisation to improve patient outcomes and raise awareness of the good work Paramedics do in the community.

Drive, personality, passion and enthusiasm.

The main highlights of Brodie’s chat, in the video above, is that he looks for drive, personality and passion. These are the essential traits of successful people, especially those whose job it is to provide quality patient care. He understands people will be a bit nervous, although he really enjoys it when people relax and let their true personality shine through.

Always remember, you have to start somewhere within the organisation. This industry has many opportunities to work your way to the top. Start as an entry-level first aid officer and develop your career with passion and enthusiasm.

Now is the best time to study emergency healthcare online.

With more opportunities to work in emergency healthcare than ever before, careers as a medic, first responder, and patient transport officer are plentiful. Registered paramedic opportunities are also on the rise.

At APC, we’re always available for a chat (weekdays) on (1300 377 741) or complete a paramedical career pathway plan and discover where a career in emergency health care can take you.

With the right qualifications, you can work as a medic in the mining sector, work as a first responder or choose from a wide range of medical emergency response roles in various industries such as sports, travel, transportation, events etc.

Find out more about Medical Edge Australia and the good work they do.

Choose from three pre-hospital emergency health care qualifications:

HLT51020 – Diploma of Emergency Health Care

HLT41120 – Certificate IV in Health Care

HLT31120 – Certificate III in Non-emergency Patient Transport

What is your career journey?

To discover how you can become a fully qualified Ambulance Paramedic or Basic/Advanced Life Support Medic, complete a personalised paramedical career development plan.