
What a Degree in Paramedical Science Can Do for Your Career

Earning a degree in paramedical science can allow you to work in an exciting and rewarding emergency medical services career. There are several different degrees you might consider earning. Not all colleges offer the same degrees and course study varies from one institution to the next. The diplomas and degrees listed here are among the most common in Australia.

Diploma of Paramedical Science

The Diploma of Paramedical Science allows you to cope effectively whilst being on the scene at major accidents in life-threatening situations. In addition to acquiring the skills that will allow you to provide appropriate life-saving treatment, you will also learn about stress management.

The paramedic’s job can be a stressful one. He or she must make quick decisions about appropriate treatments in order to keep injured people alive from the time they leave the site of the accident until the time they arrive at the hospital. In some cases, the patient must be stabilised before being transported.

Splinting broken limbs, administering fluids, clearing airways, administering oxygen – those are just some of the things that paramedics do on a regular basis. These are just some of the skills you will acquire as you work towards a diploma in paramedical science.

The degree can allow you to pursue a career as an event medic, an emergency services officer, an industrial medic, a paramedic or an advance life support paramedic. The skills acquired through the diploma are similar to those of the Certificate IV in Healthcare.

After earning the Certificate it is possible to go on to earn the diploma, although holding the certificate is not a prerequisite for entering the program at most institutions.

Bachelor of Paramedical Science

Some states in Australia are now requiring the Bachelor of Paramedical Science degree for all paramedics. It is likely that other states and industries will follow this trend. The Bachelor’s degree is offered by a number of institutions throughout Australia. Some course credits earned when working to obtain a diploma may transfer to these institutions.

So, that’s what a paramedical science degree can do for your career. If you are currently working in the emergency medical care field, you will find that a degree increases your earnings and allows you to advance in the field.

What is your career journey?

To discover how you can become a fully qualified Ambulance Paramedic or Basic/Advanced Life Support Medic, complete a personalised paramedical career development plan.