
What is a Paramedic and what does a Paramedic do?

Anyone who has ever seen paramedics at work will confess that there is something extremely admirable about the profession.

Observing the way they work so perfectly as a team is enough to inspire us and be thankful a Paramedic is the one we can always rely on to know exactly what to do in an emergency. It really is no wonder why some aspire to be a paramedic at one point or another in their life.

Before signing up for the job as a Paramedic, there are a few things about this profession to be aware of.

The job demands a lot of dedication, study and of course – hard work. Newly-graduated Paramedic’s must also be registered and have completed a Bachelor degree in Paramedic Science.

The varied role of a paramedic.

Most people assume that being a paramedic is all about rushing to accident scenes and scooping people up to bring them to the hospital – it takes much more than that. Paramedics will rush to accident scenes and help people yes; but the fact is they do so many other things such as:

  • Attend to accidents and emergencies that require advanced life support systems.
  • Be responsive, decisive and swift-acting at all times.
  • Accessing whether and how to move patients.
  • Assist with complex hospital transfers when necessary.
  • Work with patients who are suffering from mental health challenges.
  • Documenting a patient’s conditions before they arrive for hospital handover.
  • Be able to effectively assess, treat, and manage patients whilst in transit to the hospital.
  • Know how to perform various invasive techniques that involve administering pain relief, intravenous cannulation, resuscitation as well as advanced cardiac and airway management.
  • Be capable of lifting and placing patients safely on stretchers and load stretchers into waiting ambulances in a timely manner.
  • Handle the patient records and manage written reports on the state of the patient’s injuries and the treatment they were given.
  • Have the ability to triage patients to appropriate medical facilities.
  • Perform daily checks on emergency vehicles to make sure the ambulance is in fine working order and all the medical supplies are well stocked, up to date and stowed away safely in the correct places.

Paramedic or Medic – what’s the difference?

People who want to become a Paramedic should know that the requirements are especially rigorous and not just anyone can get a job as a Paramedic.

Considering Paramedics are first responders, there is a lengthy screening and study process to prepare for the role.

The first thing you can do is get essential experience in out-of-hospital emergency health care as a Basic/Advanced Life Support Medic.

However, to become an Ambulance Paramedic/Officer, a Bachelor degree in Paramedic Science is required. Paramedics are also required to be registered and also maintain their professional skills every year.

In the meantime, you can study/ work in the private sector and still earn a good living as an >Emergency Services Officer in the mines and resource sector, or even a Patient Transport Officer.

What is your career journey?

To discover how you can become a fully qualified Ambulance Paramedic or Basic/Advanced Life Support Medic, complete a personalised paramedical career development plan.