
Empowering Women in Paramedicine: APC Trainer on International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day is a global celebration and recognition of women’s achievements, as well as to raise awareness of equality, highlight gender parity gains and more.

The campaign theme for International Women’s Day 2023 is Cracking the Code: Innovation for a gender-equal future. The theme emphasises the importance of bold, transformative ideas, inclusive technologies, and accessible education in combating discrimination and the marginalisation of women around the world.

We spoke to Australian Paramedical College Trainer and Assessor, Jennifer Rearden to gain insight into her experience as a woman in healthcare,

Jen Aircall

‘I’ve had experiences from both ends of the spectrum being a female in healthcare. I had patients not want me to treat them because I was a female or even a patient see me and another female in the truck and say ‘oh, you’ll never be able to lift me’, whereas I’ve had others praise me for working in what was previously a male-dominated profession.

I think I am most thankful that my preceptor in university was a female ICP. It reassured me that I will still be able to have the same opportunities as a male within my career.’

When asked about her thoughts on APC as a gender-neutral employer, she said,

‘APC made me feel welcome upon my employment as it was clear that there was no gender bias. I feel equal to my male teammates and am grateful that APC promotes such a healthy workplace environment.

I’m proud to work alongside both my male and female peers at APC’

An image of paramedics

Jennifer finally wanted to provide some insight to other women who may be wanting to get into the healthcare sector,

‘I think a lot of people feel like they aren’t smart enough or good enough to get into the career and it shouldn’t be a hindrance. Everyone can do it, ensuring that they have the right mindset or attitude and passion within the industry.’

We thank Jennifer for taking the leap and following her dreams. Being a former APC student from 2019, she truly is an inspiration to all.

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