
HLTOUT001 – Implement Safe Access and Egress


Outcomes of studying the HLTOUT001 – Implement Safe Access and Egress:

  • Assess situation in relation to safe access and egress
  • Implement procedure to enable safe access and egress
  • Evaluate access and egress procedure

The unit HLTOUT001 – Implement Safe Access and Egress describes the knowledge and skills required to ensure the safe removal of the patients under routine and non-routine conditions and environments. It may be necessary for the individual to ensure the safe removal of the patient by overcoming obstacles, using problem solving or use of specialised equipment.

This unit applies to pre-hospital or out-of-hospital health care workers.

Elements and Performance Criteria for this Study Unit:



Elements describe the essential outcomes

Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.

Assess situation in relation to safe access and egress.

  • Survey scene and assess condition of patient in relation to procedures necessary for safe removal of patient.
  • View situation to identify and mitigate dangers according to established clinical guidelines and protocols.
  • Identify obstacles impacting safe access and egress.
  • Formulate access and egress plan based on an assessment of all factors associated with the situation or incident and in line with legislation and codes of practice.
  • Identify additional resources required, including specialised knowledge, workers or equipment, based on an assessment of all factors associated with the situation or incident, and with patient and worker welfare as the prime concern.

Implement procedure to enable safe access and egress.

  • Request or arrange for additional or specialised workers and equipment according to the assessed need.
  • Implement access and egress plan using equipment and workers necessary to ensure safe access and egress, and patient welfare.
  • Negotiate and maintain means of safe access and egress according to Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation including workplace health and safety Acts, and according to established clinical guidelines and protocols.
  • Use available resources to ensure safe access and egress, and patient welfare.

Evaluate access and egress procedure.

  • Monitor progress of access and egress constantly to ensure welfare of the patient and safety of workers.
  • Communicate with patient and monitor their welfare, condition and any other factors impacting the safe movement of the patient.
  • Modify access and egress plan to reflect situation and ensure safety and the welfare of the patient.
  • Address barriers to safe access and egress as they arise.
  • Identify and arrange for additional resources as necessary to complete procedure.

Performance Evidence for HLTOUT001 – Implement Safe Access and Egress:


Assessment Requirements for HLTOUT001 Implement safe access and egress


Evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role.

There must be evidence that the candidate has performed three extrications of a patient including:

  • analysing the scene and developing access and egress plans, recognising that the welfare of the patient, workers and bystanders is paramount
  • conducting risk assessment and identifying hazards
  • applying the correct lifting techniques
  • communicating the plan to patient, colleagues and other emergency workers at the scene
  • amending original plan as situation dictates
  • achieving access and egress in environments using equipment to reflect situation.

Knowledge Evidence for HLTOUT001 – Implement Safe Access and Egress:


Demonstrated knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit:

  • policies and procedures relating to access and egress including:
    • industry guidelines
    • Commonwealth and State or Territory legislation
    • established clinical guidelines and protocols
    • work health and safety
  • appropriate methods to utilise resources to ensure safe access and egress
  • factors that affect safety and welfare of patient and crew
  • dangers associated with hazardous situations, and the appropriate response agency for hazard control
  • patient care under circumstances requiring complex access and egress procedures
  • relevant equipment and its uses, including specialist equipment for hazardous versus a routine situation
  • factors which affect safe access and egress and patient welfare such as decision-making guidelines for extrication versus delivery of immediate patient care.

Assessment Conditions for HLTOUT001 – Implement Safe Access and Egress:


Skills must be demonstrated in a workplace or in a simulated environment that reflects workplace conditions.

Where simulation is used, it must reflect real working conditions by modelling industry operating conditions and contingencies, as well as using suitable facilities, equipment and resources.

To see more details on the study unit HLTOUT001 – Implement Safe Access and Egress, click here to view the full details here on training.gov

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