
HLTOUT004 – Assess and Deliver Basic Clinical Care


Outcomes of studying the HLTOUT004 – Assess and Deliver Basic Clinical Care:

  • Make initial incident and patient assessment
  • Plan basic pre-hospital or out-of-hospital patient care
  • Implement basic patient care procedures
  • Monitor basic patient care and modify according to patient needs
  • Handover patient to a healthcare professional, facility or service

The unit HLTOUT004 – Assess and Deliver Basic Clinical Care describes the knowledge and skills required to conduct clinical assessment and deliver basic clinical care in a pre-hospital or out-of-hospital environment.

This unit applies to pre-hospital and out-of-hospital health care workers. The worker provides basic life support and prioritises clinical care of a patient in accordance with established clinical practice guidelines.

Elements and Performance Criteria for this Study Unit:



Elements describe the essential outcomes

Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.

Make initial incident and patient assessment

  • Conduct pre-planning before arrival at scene based on information communicated in the request for service.
  • Conduct scene survey according to established clinical guidelines and protocols.
  • Conduct primary survey of patient.
  • Conduct a secondary survey, including a systematic physical examination of the whole body using applied clinical knowledge, taking vital signs and level of consciousness.
  • Obtain and document history of the event.
  • Identify patient’s main complaints as a basis for systematic prioritised treatment.
  • Apply situational knowledge of the patient to guide selection of treatment options.
  • Determine the time-critical issues given resource considerations.
  • Assess transport requirements and destination, versus transport criticality, to ensure requirements of urgency and patient care are met.
  • Conduct a focussed physical examination of the patient based on complaint or mechanism of injury.

Plan basic pre-hospital/out-of-hospital patient care

  • Establish priorities of care based on initial patient assessment according to established clinical guidelines and protocols.
  • Develop a treatment plan and outline treatment priorities.
  • Identify and develop contingency plans based on mechanisms of injury and potential for patient deterioration according to established clinical guidelines and protocols.

Implement basic patient care procedures

  • Implement all patient care procedures and pharmacological therapies within own level of expertise and authority to practise, and the limits of established clinical guidelines and protocols.
  • Identify the need to seek assistance immediately where the situation or patient’s condition requires treatment that is outside scope or authority to practise.
  • Operate equipment required for patient management according to manufacturer or supplier instructions and established clinical guidelines and protocols.
  • Apply infection prevention and control principles to patient care.
  • Use safe lifting and patient handling techniques in accordance with workplace health and safety (WHS) requirements and organisational policy and procedures.

Monitor basic patient care and modify according to patient needs.

  • Re-assess patient at intervals and modify treatment as required according to established clinical guidelines and protocols.
  • Monitor pharmacological outcomes, noting effectiveness of treatment regime and amend according to patient’s condition.
Handover patient to a healthcare professional, facility or service.
  • Document patient details according to established clinical guidelines and protocols.
  • Maintain patient confidentiality.
  • Ensure documentation for clinical handover procedures contains all necessary information.
  • Convey information to authorised individuals involved in ongoing patient care.
  • Maintain patient care until responsibility for patient is taken over by a healthcare professional or service.

Performance Evidence for HLTOUT004 – Assess and Deliver Basic Clinical Care:


Assessment Requirements for HLTOUT004 Assess and deliver basic clinical care




Evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role.

There must be evidence that the candidate has:

  • performed the activities outlined in the performance criteria of this unit during a period of at least 80 hours work, under clinical supervision in the workplace
  • performed a clinical assessment and implemented basic care in a pre-hospital or out-of-hospital context on at least three different patient presentations for an illness or trauma impacting health status including:
    • primary survey
    • secondary survey
    • planning and implementing basic clinical care based on assessment and time-criticality
    • monitoring patient
    • safely delivering patient to a healthcare professional, facility or service
  • performed basic life support on an adult, child and infant simulation manikin according to established clinical guidelines and protocols.

Knowledge Evidence for HLTOUT004 – Assess and Deliver Basic Clinical Care:


Demonstrated knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit:

  • Commonwealth and State or Territory legal considerations for emergency health care workers working in out-of-hospital care, and how these are applied in organisations including:
    • discrimination
    • duty of care
    • mandatory reporting
    • health records and information privacy
    • drugs and poisons
    • informed consent
    • work health and safety
  • clinical practice guidelines and protocols
  • ethical considerations for emergency health care workers working in out-of-hospital care, and how these are applied in organisations including:
    • scope of practice
    • practitioner and patient boundaries:
      • responsibilities
      • limitations
    • National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards
  • techniques for assessing and interpreting vital signs including:
    • level of consciousness:
      • Glasgow Coma Score (GCS)
      • alert, voice, pain, unresponsive (AVPU)
    • respiratory status:
      • rate
      • rhythm
      • effort
      • breath sounds
    • temperature status:
      • febrile
      • afebrile
      • hypothermic
    • blood volume and perfusion status:
      • pulse
      • blood pressure
      • capillary refill
      • skin
    • pain status
  • components of and techniques used for primary survey and secondary survey
  • basic anatomy and physiology of body systems:
    • cardiovascular
    • respiratory
    • musculo-skeletal
    • endocrine
    • nervous
    • digestive
    • urinary
    • reproductive
    • integumentary
    • lymphatic
    • special senses
  • basic pharmacology of medications:
    • pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, pharmacotherapeutics, toxicology
    • indications and contraindications
    • side effects and adverse reactions
  • administration:
    • routes
      • oral
      • intranasal
      • intramuscular
    • infection prevention and control
  • control of medications/substances:
    • legal requirements and organisational policies and procedures for storage, handling, administration, disposal and documentation of drugs
    • scheduling
  • basic life support techniques, including procedures and equipment used within established clinical guidelines and protocols
  • methods of documenting patient medical history including pre-existing conditions, allergies, social and emotional wellbeing, and current medication or treatment plans to provide to receiving health facility workers
  • receiving facility requirements or how to access these requirements
  • procedures to undertake when the required patient treatment is outside the scope or authority to practise of the attending worker.

Assessment Conditions for HLTOUT004 – Assess and Deliver Basic Clinical Care:


Where simulation is used, it must reflect real working conditions by modelling industry operating conditions and contingencies, as well as using suitable facilities, equipment and resources.

The performance evidence requirement for performing clinical assessments and implementing basic clinical care for three patients must have been demonstrated using simulation before being demonstrated in the workplace and with members of the public.

Assessment must ensure access to suitable facilities, resources and equipment as per local governing body including:

  • simulation with adult, child and infant manikins
  • vital signs monitoring devices
  • organisational policies and procedures and established clinical guidelines on which the candidate bases the planning process
  • documents used for reporting.

To see more details on the study unit HLTOUT004 click here to view the full details here on training.gov

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Choose from these qualifications:

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HLT41120 – Certificate IV in Health Care
HLT51020 – Diploma of Emergency Health Care

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