
HLTOUT005 – Assess and Deliver Standard Clinical Care


Outcomes of studying the HLTOUT005 – Assess and Deliver Standard Clinical Care:

  • Perform out-of-hospital patient assessment
  • Plan out-of-hospital patient care
  • Implement out-of-hospital patient care procedures
  • Monitor and evaluate out-of-hospital patient care
  • Handover Patient

The unit HLTOUT005 – Assess and Deliver Standard Clinical Care describes the skills and knowledge required to conduct clinical assessments and deliver standard patient care in the pre-hospital and out-of-hospital environment.

This unit applies to out-of-hospital health care workers. The worker assists in advanced life support, prioritises clinical care, implements time-critical health care procedures and therapies, and monitors patients based on patient needs and in accordance with established clinical practice guidelines and protocols.

Elements and Performance Criteria for this Study Unit:



Elements describe the essential outcomes

Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.

Perform out-of-hospital patient assessment

  • Conduct pre-planning of assessment before arrival at scene based on information communicated in the request for service.
  • Conduct scene survey according to established clinical guidelines and protocols.
  • Perform systematic patient assessment to collect and analyse information.
  • Use clinical knowledge to assess the mechanism and patterns for injury or illness to make an informed decision about the patient’s condition.
  • Use principles of anatomy and physiology to identify variations from normal homeostasis
  • Differentiate between patients who require rapid stabilisation and transport because of trauma or illness, and those who require further on-the-scene assessment and management.
  • Use equipment correctly to support patient care being implemented.

Plan out-of-hospital patient care

  • Determine time-critical issues given resource considerations.
  • Assess transport requirements and appropriate destination, versus transport criticality, to ensure requirements of urgency and patient care are met.
  • Assess the effects and any associated risks of proposed patient’s condition.
  • Develop a patient management plan based on patients’ needs and assessment of scene.
  • Use available information to justify patient management plan.

Implement out-of-hospital patient care procedures

  • Implement all care and treatment procedures within established scope of practice defined by organisational guidelines and protocols.
  • Commence pharmacological therapies as determined by patient’s presenting condition, within established scope of practice defined by organisational guidelines and protocols.
  • Identify need for assistance where the situation or patient’s condition requires treatment that is outside the scope of practice and seek clinical support immediately.

Monitor and evaluate out-of-hospital patient care

  • Evaluate patient care interventions and pharmacological therapy, noting effectiveness of treatment regime and amend according to patient’s condition in accordance with established clinical guidelines and protocols.
  • Use equipment to monitor all aspects of patient’s condition at appropriate intervals.
  • Record data regarding patient’s condition, noting any trends and their impacts on patient condition.
  • Identify signs of deterioration in patient’s condition.
  • Modify management of patient’s condition and evaluate regularly as treatment occurs

Handover Patient

  • Document patient details, assessment findings and patient management using a systematic approach.
  • Convey information using a systematic handover approach.
  • Maintain patient care until the transfer is complete.

Performance Evidence for HLTOUT005 – Assess and Deliver Standard Clinical Care:


Assessment Requirements for HLTOUT005 – Assess and deliver standard clinical care


Evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role.

There must be evidence that the candidate has:

  • performed the activities outlined in the performance criteria of this unit during a period of 160 hours work, under clinical supervision in the workplace
  • performed a clinical assessment and implemented standard care in an out-of-hospital context on at least five different patient presentations for an illness or trauma impacting health status including:
    • primary survey
    • secondary survey
    • planning and implementing patient management based on assessment, time-criticality and available resources
    • monitoring patient
    • transferring care using a systematic approach to handover
  • responded in different operational conditions or circumstances to implement the following standard clinical care interventions according to established clinical guidelines and protocols:
    • airway management for a patient
    • cardiac monitoring through limb leads only
    • cardiac rhythm evaluation as shockable or non-shockable
    • manual defibrillation on a simulation manikin according to established clinical guidelines and protocols
    • administering and responding to the effects of pharmacological therapy to treat and manage patient’s illness or condition
  • performed basic life support and be able to assist in advanced life support on an adult, child and infant simulation manikin according to established clinical guidelines and protocols.

Knowledge Evidence for HLTOUT005 – Assess and Deliver Standard Clinical Care:


Demonstrated knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit:

  • Commonwealth and State/Territory legal considerations for emergency health care workers working in out-of-hospital care, and how these are applied in organisations including:
    • discrimination
    • duty of care
    • mandatory reporting
    • health records and information privacy
    • drugs and poisons
    • informed consent
    • work health and safety
  • organisational policies and procedures and established clinical guidelines and protocols for patient care and emergency equipment
  • ethical considerations for emergency health care workers working in out-of-hospital care, and how these are applied in organisations including:
    • scope of practice
    • practitioner and patient boundaries:
      • responsibilities
      • limitations
    • National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards
  • techniques for assessing and interpreting vital signs
  • methods of obtaining and documenting patient medical history for provision to receiving health facility workers including:
    • pre-existing conditions
    • allergies
    • social and emotional wellbeing
    • current medication or treatment plans
  • components of and techniques used for primary survey and secondary survey
  • variations from normal functioning of body systems
  • procedures and equipment to be used within established clinical guidelines and protocols for:
    • advanced life support assistance
    • advanced resuscitation assistance
  • critical thinking and diagnostic reasoning techniques and processes for:
    • diagnostic reasoning in the clinical setting
    • identification of key problems and issues
    • risks involved in responding to patient needs
  • pathophysiology of common presentations including:
    • burns
    • trauma
    • cardiovascular emergencies
    • respiratory disorders including:
      • asthma
    • common environmental emergencies:
      • toxic or industrial chemicals
      • heat stress
      • exposure to cold
    • neurovascular
    • digestive and endocrine system including:
      • diabetes
    • urinary and reproductive issues
      • abdominal pain
      • stages of labour – pre and post-delivery emergencies
    • musculo-skeletal injury
  • mental illness:
    • definition
    • stigma
    • causes
    • classifications
  • acute behavioural disturbance
  • poisoning, envenomation or overdose emergencies including:
    • neurotoxins, myotoxins, haemotoxins
    • illicit drugs
  • pharmacology therapy and concepts underpinning pharmacology:
    • pharmacological agents for the management of common disorders
    • pharmacokinetics
    • preparation, properties, uses and indications of pharmacology
    • pharmacology terminology
    • pharmacodynamics-pharmacological interactions
    • safe storage, handling and disposal of pharmacological products in accordance with the Acts and regulations pertaining to these products.

Assessment Conditions for HLTOUT005 – Assess and Deliver Standard Clinical Care:


Skills must have been demonstrated in the workplace or in a simulated environment that reflects workplace conditions.

Where simulation is used, it must reflect real working conditions by modelling industry operating conditions and contingencies, as well as using suitable facilities, equipment and resources.

The performance evidence requirement to implement standard clinical care interventions must have been demonstrated using simulation before being demonstrated in the workplace and with members of the public.

Assessment must ensure access to:

  • use of facilities, resources and equipment as per local governing body including:
  • simulation with adult, child and infant manikins
  • vital signs monitoring devices
  • ECG recording device
  • placebo samples of pharmacological preparations for use in simulation scenarios.
  • forms and documents for recording of patient care.

To see more details on the study unit HLTOUT005, click here to view the full details here on training.gov

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Choose from these qualifications:

HLT31120 – Certificate III in Non-emergency Patient Transport
HLT41120 – Certificate IV in Health Care
HLT51020 – Diploma of Emergency Health Care

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