
What do Private Paramedics do?

The pre-hospital emergency health care private sector is growing rapidly. Private medics (Basic to Advanced Life Support) / Paramedics (registered through AHPRA) may work in many different areas and for the most part, possess the same skills of a State Ambulance Paramedic. Whilst most people believe becoming a Paramedic is limited to driving around in an ambulance, the opportunities go way deeper than that.

Some of the industries private paramedics work in are:

  • Paramedic/medic in mining, construction, manufacturing, hospitality, sports and tourism industries.
    Work in the fast-paced and unpredictable environments where every day is different. Develop your career and choose the sector that suits your past experiences and existing skill-set.
  • Onshore and Offshore oil & gas Paramedic/medic
    Considered to be one of the most sought-after roles because of the opportunity to earn an high salary. At this level, working on or offshore, you’d be required to hold other qualifications associated with working off-shore in a remote environment. Click the link to find out more about the work of the onshore/offshore first responder job roles and responsibilities.
  • Industrial medic in the power and energy sector
    Working in small teams and often in challenging locations where you could be required to work in confined spaces or at heights; or in remote locations on transmission grid networks.
  • Paramedic in the maritime industry
    If you love the idea of travelling the world visiting exotic locations, then the job of a medic on a tanker, container ship or freighter presents the perfect opportunity to do so.
  • Remote area Paramedic/medic
    Rapidly becoming one of the highly challenging careers of the decade, the remote Paramedic is for those who have already attained higher levels of training at the Critical Care Paramedic (CCP) level. This role required additional survival and wilderness skills; where you could be required to provide assistance to critically injured persons and remain with them many days before help can arrive.
  • Adventure and expedition Paramedic/medic
    Travel the world and provide expert medical care in exotic destinations; from the depths of the Borneo jungles to the harsh environment of Antarctica this role is for adventurous people. Additional survival skills are a pre-requisite for the job, where only experienced and well-credentialed Paramedics are selected to fulfill the role.
  • Emergency Response Officer at airports, cruise terminals, train stations, bus terminals, ferry services and heavy haulage depots.
    Work for private contractors who provide first responder emergency care and assistance where vast amounts of people congregate.
  • Emergency Services Officer at public events, outdoor and indoor concerts
    Provide immediate medical response where mass crowds gather (in a post-covid world of course). These types of jobs provide on-the-spot assistance to combat the effects of heat exhaustion and fatigue;  to full cardiac arrest, drug issues and overdose and alcohol intoxication.
  • Search and rescue volunteer with SES and other non-profit organisations
    One of the most rewarding ways to give back to your community is to volunteer your clinical expertise and knowledge when the community needs you the most. We’ve all witness heroic intervention by brave first responders who risk their own lives to rescue others. Operating in all-weather conditions in unpredictable situations, you’ll utilise your paramedical knowledge and quick thinking skills to provide emergency medical assistance when required – at all hours of the day or night.
  • Event medic at sporting events such as Commonwealth Games, rugby league, equine, football, NFL, NRL etc
    Working with a wide range of employers and locations, this can be personally rewarding on so many levels. Reassure spectators and participants by being on-site to administer emergency medical care and even save lives. This type of role would appeal to sports fans who wish to play a bigger part than just being a member of a cheering crowd.

In separate posts we will talk about what each of these events/workplaces involve and the types of cases private paramedics may come across.

If you are interested in becoming a Private Sector Medic, we have three courses for you!

HLT51020 – Diploma of Emergency Health Care

HLT41120 – Certificate IV in Health Care 

HLT31120 – Certificate III in Non-Emergency Patient Transport

What is your career journey?

To discover how you can become a fully qualified Ambulance Paramedic or Basic/Advanced Life Support Medic, complete a personalised paramedical career development plan.